Bonnie and Marc’s shared passion for photography came about via separate paths.
Bonnie credits her dad, Murray, for introducing her to the excitement of
photography when he gave her her first Brownie camera at age 7. In high school
she began formal study which continued at RISD, from which she graduated in 1978,
becoming a producer/writer for the next 15 years. Bonnie’s particular focus is on people
at work and at play, but enjoys all facets of the art.
Marc, also, began shooting pictures as a child using the family camera, then getting his first SLR camera at age 15. He developed and printed in a makeshift darkroom, and took pictures for his school newspaper. Marc’s particular interests lie in people, patterns, and different perspectives.
Although both Bonnie and Marc miss the smells and atmosphere of the darkroom, and
still have one in their home, they have over recent years “gone digital”, using the
computer for cropping and printing, and occasional subtle fine tuning, but mostly relying on their old-fashioned eyes, as they continue to look at life through different, but often shared, lenses.
Bonnie and Marc in recent years have been accepted in many juried shows and have won numerous prizes for their work.
In their spare time, when not pursuing their passions for photography, travel, the beach, and gourmet cooking and eating, Marc practices Obstetrics and Gynecology in East Providence, Bristol and Wakefield, and Bonnie manages the practice.